JAC - Joint Action Committee
Joint Forum of BSNL AEA
United Forum of BSNL Executives
Forum in Defence of CPSUs
Important ↣ Seniority and DPC ↣ DPC ↣ STS regular
DE Regular Aug 2014 List
Vigilance clearance for AGM regular promotion 150714
Updation of data in respect of Joining on promotions from SDE to DE in 2018 on regular basis reg 18-09-19
Vacancy year 2012-2013 - VC required
VC for DE Regular promotion 08-10-12
Vacancy 2011-12 VC expiring cases
STS promotion on regular basis - Pending VCs reg 06-02-14
STS Regular - VC pending as on 16-09-14
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list 06-06-18
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list Annexure II 06-06-18
SDE to DE promotion on regular basis - Missing list Annexure I 06-06-18
Requirement of APAR shown certificate of SDEs - Adhoc DEs for AGM regular promotion reg 220715
Requirement of APARs from 2011-2015 with disclosure certificate of all working AGM DEs Regular - Reg 31-10-16
Requirement of ACRs for STS - AGM regular promotin 09-12-13
Requierment of Screening Committee Report (SCR) in respect of all OC Category SDEs (Telecom) in List 8 - reg 20-07-18
Regular promotion order to STS grade (16 Cases) 04-10-13
Regular Promotion to the Executives in DE of Telecom operation - 55 cases 13-11-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS 09-09-13
Regular Promotion in the grade of STS ( 39 cases) - 01-01-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS 05-03-13
Regular promotion in the grade of STS - Corrigenda
Regular Promotion in the grade of STS - Two executives 25-06-14
Regular Promotion in the Grade of STS - Corrigenda 22-05-13
Regular promotion in DE - Cancellation order reg 17-04-13
Regular Promotion and posting of the Executives in the grade of AGM on regular basis regarding 16-08-18
Regular DE promotion order 30-10-17
Regular DE promotion order - 3 cases 17-12-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 19-11-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 18-11-13
Regular DE promotion - Consolidated VC Pending cases 20-11-13
Regular DE promotion - VC reg 28-11-13
Regular STS promotion - Backlog vaccancies reg
Providing DOJ of DE - AGM regular on regurar basis and SCR reg 22-06-18
Providing DOJ of DE - AGM regular on regurar basis and SCR reg - List 22-06-18
Promotion to the grade of regular DE for vaccancy 2011-2012- Schedule for circles for submission of ACRs 01-05-13
Promotion to the grade of STS TF - Modification reg 03-08-18
Promotion from Adhoc DE - SDE - SR SDE to Regular STS - Cov lr 16-08-13
Promotion Orders in the grade of DE Regular dated 26-06-18 - Conclusion or Cease of promotion order 27-02-19
Preparatory work for the promotion to Regular AGM - DE on regular basis - Details and Screen committee report - Reminder 04-11-16
Promotion from Adhoc DE - SDE - SR SDE to Regular STS - List 16-08-13
Promotion to DE Telecom grade on regular basis - Calling for APARs reg 28-04-14
Proforma promotion in the grade of AGM reg 14-11-18
Proforma Promotion in lhe grade ol AGM (Telecom) in BSNL - reg 08-08-18
Preparatory work for promotion to AGMDE(T) on regular basis - ACR requirement 24-06-14
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM on regular basis and requirement of ACRs 23-07-14
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis -Annexure II 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis -Annexure I 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE Telecom on regular basis - regarding Screening Committee report 05-01-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - Corrected List 6 and 7 - 23-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - Cov lr 21-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM DE T on Adhoc - Regular basis - Missing APAR - List 6 and 7 - 21-06-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE(T) on Regular - Adhoc basis- Reminder reg 10-11-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE T on Regular - Adhoc basis - Not traceable list reg 31-07-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE T on Regular - Adhoc basis - Not traceable list 31-07-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE (T) on Reg- Adh basis - Reminder reg 26 SCR not received cases - List 13-11-17
Preparatory work for AGM regular promotion - Screening committee report 06-10-2016
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE (T) on Reg - Adh basis - Reminder reg 26 SCR not received cases 13-11-17
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM - DE on regular - adhoc basis- calling of VC for Seniority List no 7 reg 28-11-16
Preparatory work for ensuing CPC for promotion from SDEs - Adhoc DEs to Regular DEs - Updating APAR - Instructions 16-06-16
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion reg - List number 7 - 16-03-17
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion reg - List number 6 - 16-03-17
Preparatory work for AGM adhoc - Regular promotion - Screening Committee report reg 16-03-17
Preparation for e-DPC - requirement of Screening committee report & APARs of AGM reg 01-03-17
Preparation for e-DPC Rqquirement of Screening committee report & APARs of all regular DEs reg 28-06-17
Preparation for e-DPC -Requirement of APARs of all AGM DES working on regular basis reg 20-11-17
Preparation for e-DPC -Requirement of APARs of all AGM DES working on regular basis - List 20-11-17
Preparation for e-DPC - Requirement of SCR and APAR of all AGM - DEs working on regular basis - reg Cov lr 10-10-17
Preparation for e-DPC - list of AGM(Regular) working as on date and Screening Committee report-reg 20-07-18
Preparation for e-DPC - list of AGM(Regular) working as on date and Screening Committee report-reg List 20-07-18
Preparation for e-DPC - Requirement of SCR and APAR of all AGM - DEs working on regular basis - List 10-10-17
Joining - Relieving of officers on promotion to AGM (T) Regular - Clarification reg 07-08-18
Furnishing VC for DE Regular Promotion reg 15-10-14
Final regular AGM list - Deletion from the list 03-01-13
DE-Regular Promotion - Corrigenda 08-11-13
DE Regular260814
DE Regular VC pending as on 09-07-14
DE Regular Promotion reg 13-04-16
DE Regular VC not received as on 01-08-14
DE Regular promotion order for left out cases 20-07-18
DE Regular promotion order- Corrigendum reg 01-11-17
DE Regular promotion order for 7 cases 11-02-14
DE Regular promotion order - Four cases 06-12-13
DE Regular promotion order - one case 06-12-13
DE Regular promotion order - Corrigenda 06-12-13
DE REGULAR Promotion order - 5cases 01-04-14
DE Regular Promotion order - Correction reg 21-11-13
DE Regular promotion from Deputy manger reg 06-10-17
DE Regular promotion 10-01-13
DE regular promotion 29-07-15
DE regular promotion - two cases reg 04-06-14
DE Regular promotion - Requirement of APAR and VC reg 26-12-14
DE regular promotion - requirement of ACRs reg 11-07-14
DE regular Promotion - Missing ACR 52 cases reg 14-02-14
DE Regular promotion - One case reg 04-06-14
DE Regular promotion - ACR pending cases 27-08-14
DE Regular Promotion - ACR required cases in AP MH NETF NTP TN UPE and UPW circles reg 05-02-14
DE Regular promotion - ACR - Annexure B
DE Regular promotion - ACR - Annexure A
DE Regular promotion - 2011-12 vacancy - VC pending
DE Regular promotion - 2 cases 08-11-13
DE Regular Annexure A
DE Promotion order - Cancellation due to refusal reg 28-09-18
DE Telecom promotion - Discrepancies in DoB - HR No - Staff No Circle etc - instructions to circle reg 30-07-18
Date of Joining of AGMs - DEs on Adhoc and Regular basis reg 08-11-16
DE on Regular basis - Annexure A B C 02-09-13
Convening of CPC for AGM or equivalent grade - Change in composition of CPC reg 24-12-20
Date of joining as Regular DE - reg 22-03-13
Collection of ACRs for preparatory work to future STS regular promotions reg 22-03-13
Cancellation of Regular Promotion in the Grade of STS 22-05-13
Cancellation of regular promotion in the grade of STS 20-03-13
Cancellation of promotion order from SDE (T) to AGM (T) Regular -reg 08-08-18
Cancellation of DE Promotion order due to change in seniority list reg 30-08-18
Cancellalion ot promotion order in the cadre of SDE (T) fo AGM (T) Regular due to change in SDE (T) seniority list reg 25-07-18
AGM regular promotion 21-09-16
APAR shown cer - Annexure 22-07-15
AGM TF promotion on regular basis reg 24-10-18
AGM Regular Promotion -Furnishing of ACRs for untraceable officers - Last call 30-07-14
AGM regular Promotion - Un-assessed and Untraceable executive of list 5 6 7 and 8- Publication of data reg LIST 02-08-18
AGM Regular promotion - VC pending status
AGM Regular promotion - Updating data in ERP reg 09-12-19
AGM regular Promotion - Un-assessed and Untraceable executive of list 5 6 7 and 8- Publication of data reg 02-08-18
AGM Regular promotion - Shri George Vargheese 22-12-16
AGM regular promotion - Requirement of pending ACRs for DPC 20-12-13
AGM regular promotion - Requirement of APARs reg 03-01-14
AGM Regular promotion - Refusal o promotion reg 28-11-17
AGM regular promotion - APAR of Untraceable officers reg 27-01-14
AGM regular promotion - One case reg 01-08-16
AGM Regular promotion - Furnishing APAR ACR for untraceable officers 09-07-14
AGM regualar promotion (3 cases) 28-04-14
AGM Regular Promotion - APAR for DPC - Reminder 18-09-15
AGM Promotion order - One case reg 30-08-18
AGM Promotion order - Refusal reg 15-11-18
AG - DE promotion preparatory work - Calling for VC - Reminder 06-12-16
AGM promotion order - One case 04-03-2016
AGM Promotion on regular basis Tecom factory sream reg 28-12-15
AGM Adhoc - Regular promotion - SCR not received cases list 10-11-17
AGM Adhoc - Regular Date of joining pending cases reg 9-03-16
AGM - DE regular promotion - Date of joining reg
Adhoc DE to Regular DE promotion for 470 cases and 12 cases - 2009-10 vacancy year - 25-10-13
Adhoc STS to Regular promotion 29-10-12
Adhoc DE to regular STS - VC pending cases
Adhoc DE to regular DE promotion - 3 cases 25-10-13
Adhoc DE to regular DE promotion - 4 cases 28-11-13
Adhoc DE - Sr SDE to Regular DE Promotion - 15 cases 15-01-14
ACRs for the promotion of DE T on regular basis for probable vaccancy year 2010-11 - Preparatory work reg
ACRs for promotion to DE T on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 reg
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 Annexure B - 18-09-13
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 - Excel format 18-09-13
ACRs for promotion to DE T AGM on regular basis for vacancy years 2009-10 and 2010-11 - 18-09-13
Acceptance of refusal of AGM Promotion reg 01-11-18